The difference between LED grow light and normal LED light(1)

(LED grow light)Traditional artificial light sources generate too much heat. For example, with LED supplementary lighting and hydroponic system, the air can be recycled, too much heat and water can be removed, and the electric energy can be efficiently transformed into effective photosynthetic radiation and finally into plant substances. The results show that the growth rate and photosynthetic rate of lettuce are increased by more than 20% by using LED lighting. It is feasible to use led in plant factory.

(LED grow light)It was found that compared with fluorescent lamp, mixed wavelength LED light source can significantly promote the growth and development of spinach, radish and lettuce and improve the morphological indexes; It can maximize the biological accumulation of sugarbeet, the beet element accumulation in hairy root is the most significant, and produce the highest sugar and starch accumulation in hairy root.

(LED grow light)Compared with metal halide lamp, the anatomical morphology of stems and leaves of pepper and perilla plants grown under wavelength LED changed significantly, and the photosynthetic rate of plants increased with the increase of optical density. Complex wavelength LED can increase the number of stomata of marigold and sage.